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​Make sure you read all of the instructions carefully before you start the curatorial project

1) You need to start by brainstorming a theme that is interesting to you. This can be anything from war to feminism to identity. Think of a list of themes that you think you will be able to create an exhibition around by finding artwork.

2) The next step is to go to the blog site via ( and search through the various contemporary artists and their artworks. Please be sure to look at all of the artists and their artwork before choosing which ones you want to use.

3) Chose between 4-6 pieces that you think relate to the theme you have chosen. If you seem to be having trouble, feel free to change your theme.

4) Create a folder on your desktop by right clicking and choosing 'new folder'. Name the folder Curator_(your name). When you find images that you like, either drag them into the folder or copy and paste them into the folder. Make sure you are keeping track of the artists of the pieces you have chosen by either writing them down or typing it in a word document.

5) The next step is for you to create your own piece of art that will fit in with the theme. Feel free to use any type of medium such as photography, drawing, painting, sculpture, clay, collage, or any combination of those. Use the artworks from other artists as inspiration, but DO NOT COPY them. You are creating something new.

6) When you are finished with your artwork, take a picture and upload it onto the computer. After your photo is uploaded, make sure you put it in the folder on your desktop with the rest of your "exhibit".

7) Go to this website ( and log in with the

username:  curatorwebquest322

password:   password322

click on the orange button with the pencil to create a new post

*please be respectful to the blog, do not abuse it by deleting 

other people's posts or writing something inappropriate

8) Title your new post with your name. This is important so your classmates know who's exhibit it is. In the document area, begin typing what your theme is and how the artworks you chose/created fit into this theme. You should write AT LEAST 2 PARAGRAPHS. It is up to you to create your own interpretation of the artworks. There is no right or wrong answer as long as you explain your thought process. Once you are done typing, click the button that looks like                 to upload your images. Click 'choose images' then find your folder and choose all of them. Click 'add selected'

9) When you are finished with your post, click the orange button that says publish and your post should be up for others to see. If you do not finish your post before the class period is over, you have the option to save it as a draft and you can come back to it later, but make sure your name is the title. Make sure to log off the blog when you are done!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10) Your final step is to go to the blog via this link ( and comment on 2 of your classmate's posts. After you read their post and look at their exhibit, type in your thoughtful comment which should be more than 3 sentences and MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE YOUR NAME somewhere in the comment box so they know who said it (you will not get credit if you do not leave your name). Click 'Publish' when you are done. You should comment on at least 2 exhibits.

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